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Device Registration
Addition , Deletion | Address , Volume | Conversion |
![](device_add_menu.gif) |
Click on the menu in the [ Program ] screen. |
h Addition , Deletion |
* Latch and diagnostic device aren't contained in the attached file.
Add it when you are necessary. |
![](device_add_1.gif) |
h Addition
1. Click on the blank cell.
2. Select-click on the menu.
h Deletion
* Click on the existing device. |
Latch and diagnostic device can be used in a PLC mode. |
![](device_add_2.gif) |
h Address , Volume |
* Change the volume of the device when you are necessary. |
![](device_address_1.gif) |
1. Click on the ( First ) Address.
2. Click on the [ First ] or [ Volume ] box.
3. Input each by the screen key.
* Continue button
It becomes the next address of the upper row.
* Same button
It becomes the volume of the upper row. |
![](device_address_3.gif) |
Maximum volume is 256 in the 1 row.
( Total volume is 5120 = 256 * 20 rows ) |
h Conversion |
* You can convert the program to the other mode, mutually. |
![](device_conversion_1.gif) |
e.g. From Relay circuit to MITSUBISHI's PLC - FX |
1. Click on the [ Conversion = PLC , Relay circuit
2. Select-click on the mode.
3. See the comment bar of software. |
![](device_conversion_2.gif) |
* If you use other PLC ( which is not MITSUBISHI and OMRON ), select the PLC of similar device. |
* The device's address can be set freely. ( Regardless of the PLC mode ) << Click here >> |
Folder - 04 |